Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dissecting atheist arguments one by one

As I have demonstrated on this blog numerous times, the overwhelming majority of arguments in the intellectual marketplace are filled with errors of fact and logic. Most people have minds poorly suited to art of proper logical and forensic construction that most of their opinions are simply post-facto rationalizations of a preconceived bias, not the systematic work of careful, logical examination. This analysis hardly excludes those who happen to be on the correct side of a debate; one can have correct conclusions without sound premises after all. Moreover, by just looking at the sheer width of the ideological spectrum that the collective human race holds to, and how many of the certain beliefs are wholly incompatible, one is forced to conclude by logical necessity that most people are wrong on a whole host of things.

So while most arguments you see will be void of sound reasoning, this holds particularly true for the arguments put forth by the leading atheists of our day. I plan to deconstruct many of their arguments against the validity of religion in general and Christianity in particular. The first argument, usually spouted out by less intelligent skeptics, is how can Christianity be true when there are literally thousands of different gods and religions to believe in?

This is a remarkably ignorant argument for several reasons. First, since the numerous religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, paganism, Spiritualism, New age, Etc.... and the various non-religions such as secularism, humanism, deism, atheism, etc.... encompass a tautology, at least one of those has to be true. Second, and more importantly, the existence of various gods and religions is not only compatible with the Christian worldview, it is required. There are numerous passages in the Bible that imply the existence of other supernatural beings that may or may not seek human worship. Much of the Old testament is a chronicle of the confrontation between the Jewish people and the pagan cultures that surround them, and that man's fallen nature has rendered him prone to worship other gods besides the one true God.

Third, the Bible has demonstrated itself to be a more accurate text in science and human behavior than every other religion, even the secularism of the academic science-fetishists. On that account alone the Biblical model should be considered in a different light than other religious models.

So has we have seen, this argument relies on a complete misconception of what Christianity really is. The reality it assumes, that there are many belief systems, does not only not discredit the veracity of the Christian worldview, it is absolutely required by it.

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